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The Spokespeople Cycling For Peace of Mind

The Spokespeople are a group of Toronto friends including Mel and Ellen Little, Andrew and Judy Kent, David and Cheryl Blinick, Larry and Julie Schwartz, Allan and Judy Borodin, Susan Leston & Harry Hochman, Joy Shuchat and Gary Shiff, Penny and Danny Littman, Maarten Heilbron and Kim Worobec, Bonny and Molyn Leszcz among others that have been cycling in and around Toronto for many years.15 years ago they decided to use one of their fall rides to raise funds for a worthwhile charity or cause.

To date over $100,000 has been raised by this group of friends.

Over the years the group have cycled for organizations that include Canadian Cancer Society, CAMH, Jewish Family & Child, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, Reena, SACH, to mention a few.

This year we are riding to raise funds for Peace of Mind Canada. All funds raised will be used to support the December 2019 visit in Toronto.

Peace of Mind Canada is a registered charity dedicated to facilitating emotional and psychological support for Israeli discharged soldiers who have undergone difficult battle situations. Platoons of approximately 15-20 young men participate in the POM program in Canada ( the USA and the UK). Two psychotherapists come with the soldiers and lead the therapy.

The program consists of one week of intensive group therapy, psychological care and bonding with the Jewish community. This unique 9-month long process includes orientation and concluding sessions in Israel, follow up sessions and 6 months of individualized therapy for those who require further interventions.

The results are extraordinary as the men and notably their wives and families describe feeling unburdened emotionally and psychologically at the end of the process.

Thank you for your support!

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Thank you to our generous donors!


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